A collection of photographers who get a weekly assignment on Monday morning and must post a new family friendly photo(shot within the week) by the following Sunday night.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Big Payoff

A huge party with friends.
A humongous hangover the next day.


Accidentally Blogging said...

Congrats on the success. That huge hangover can easily be cured by a huge bloody mary.

JohnDree said...

yes, a bloody mary(with a beer back) worked great!

REGRUB said...

way to go john! and thank you!!! we had tons o fun. mostly laughing at the expense of Andree, and her brother! wow.

Party Boobytrap said...

Would the resulting hangover explain this blurry photo.
This looks like something I would shoot with my early stages of Parkinsons.

fotosmithy said...

Had I known you were having Shakes the Clown shoot the party, I would have cancelled our original plans.