A collection of photographers who get a weekly assignment on Monday morning and must post a new family friendly photo(shot within the week) by the following Sunday night.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Whadda you lookin' at?

Whadda you lookin' at?

And a distant second goes to the 3 pound wonder- Daisy.
Plus, in honor of the theme- "Shadows" by Wagon Christ


JohnDree said...

Daisy kicks goat ass!

Party Boobytrap said...

you named your goat "Shadow"?
Thats a shame, because I bet he'd be delicious. I can't eat something with a name.

get.me.tacos said...

In TX, the only name we have for those animals is dinner. Now imagine that with a drawl and some chewin' tuh-baccie!